"Moskvagiprotruboprovod" branch
’Moskvagiprotruboprovod’ branch is grateful to the management and specialists of the ‘Scientific technical center of industrial safety problems research’ for their cooperation on problematic issues in improving the Toxi+Risk 5 and Toxi+Fluid Hammer software products.
Acknowledgment from the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of the FAU (Federal Autonomous Institution) Glavgosexpertiza Rossii
The Khanty-Mansiysk Branch of FAU (Federal Autonomous Institution) « Glavgosexpertiza Rossii» expresses their gratitude for the delivery and timely extension of the license key for the latest version of the «TOXI+Risk» Software Package to evaluate the risk of accidents and calculate accident consequences at their production facilities.
"NIPIgazpererabotka" JSC uses the "TOXI+Risk"Software Package
NIPIgazpererabotka JSC applies the Toxi+Risk since 2010. Over the course of its use, the software package has established itself as the best and, perhaps, the only program of its kind on the market in the Russian Federation
The "TOXI+Risk" Software Package is a tool that enables compliance with the mandatory industrial and fire safety requirements
The «TOXI+Risk» Software Package is a tool that enables compliance with the mandatory industrial and fire safety requirements. As changes are made to the regulatory documentation, the software modules are timely updated_at.